Every year, during Lent and in time for Easter, Marcello Silvestri makes a new painting dedicated to the main Christian celebration, the passion, crucifixion, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. This page features some of his prominent artworks on these themes.
These drawings, paintings and publications are prominent examples of contemporary sacred / Christian art and are useful for prayer, meditation and liturgy.

Crucifixion and Resurrection of Christ by Marcello Silvestri © 1999

Penitent by Marcello Silvestri © 1980s.

Book offering contemporary reflection on the Way of the Cross: M. do Carmo Bogo, Led By Love (St Paul 1990) with cover and illustrations by Marcello Silvestri

Golgota, by Marcello Silvestri © 2017

"The First Day after Saturday...", artwork by Marcello Silvestri, 2022, Sand and acrylic on wood board. In this unusual crucifix, the shining light of the Risen one and the 'Chiro' monogram stand against the empty tomb and, behind, the cross.