
Laudato Si

Marcello has engaged with Franciscan spirituality and the care of creation already since the 1980s. In this page his publications on the Canticle of Creatures (1990s) and St Francis Commentary to the Pater Noster (1980s) as well as his recent artworks interpreting Pope Francis Encyclical Laudato Si and the theme of integral ecology: the pictorial cycle The Gift of Nature (exhibition entitled Il Dono della Natura 2021) and an online meditation on the Burning Bush, theme of the Season of Creation 2022. 

Canticle of Creatures - Laudato Si'

Silvestri's series of icons interpreting St Francis of Assisi's Canticle of Creatures. They were on show at the 'Sacro Convento' in Assisi and in Rome at the 'Basilica dei Santi Apostoli' in the years 1994-1996 and published by Casa Editrice Francescana. These themes of peace and care of creation were central to Pope Francis encyclical letter  LaudatoSi (released on 24 May 2015).

St Francis' Commentary to the Pater Noster (Our Father)

In the 1980s after engaging profoundly with the study of the Franciscan sources 'Fonti Francescane', Marcello created the series of paintings on St Francis' Commentary to the Our Father , followed by an original audiovisual entirely created by Marcello and published in Italy by Casa Editrice Francescana and abroad by St Paul publications. 

Season of Creation and Integral Ecology

Marcello has collaborated with the Laudato Si movement (Italian branch Movimento Laudato Si ) with an online meditation for the online retreat of the Laudato Si Animators in august 2022 on the theme of that year: the burning bush. 

Marcello extensively worked on the theme of integral ecology: an important series of his artworks on this theme and what he calls 'ecology within' (Ecologia Dentro) was at the core of the exhibition 'The Gift of Nature' ( Il Dono della Natura ) curated by art critic Gianluca Marziani in Tarquinia in the summer 2021.